How to search on More Words
Advanced search
Ending letter
Letters position
Any length starting with
Any length ending with
Letter start and end
Start, within and end
More information
How does it work?
When you enter something into the search, MoreWords does as follows:
- If the query is a pattern, find all words matching this particular pattern
- Should the pattern query yield a singular word, go to the page of this word
- If the query is an actual word, go to the page of this particular word
- Otherwise, try to find anagrams and words by unscrambling the query
How to find words by extending existing words?
To find words by extending existing words with a blank or letter on your tile rack, do as follows:
- Search for the jumbled string or word you want to extend via the search bar
- Scroll down to the related links section and click the "Words formed from any letters in XXX" link
- Choose the length of the word and which letter you want to use for it
How to exclude letters?
You can exclude letters from your search: all words containing any letters following a "^" (caret, shift-6 on US keyboards) in your search are excluded from the results.
m--e matches 32 words, including make and mute. But m--e ^kt finds only 27 words, as it omits all words containing a k or t.
If an excluded letter is elsewhere in the word, the word is not going to be in the results. For example "*kin ^eiou" will not find "akin", because it contains an "i" and you've excluded words containing a "i".
This is useful for games like Hangman, where you want to exclude letters you've already guessed.